Year 1
Hi everyone! In year 1 we're pleased to welcome Miss McIntosh and Mrs Brown to our team alongside Miss Washington, Mrs Bedia, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Naseer and Mrs Mohammed. We are sure we will have a fantastic year in our new classrooms! We will be following our golden rules for our year group:
We Listen
We work hard
We are honest
We look after things
We are gentle
We are kind and helpful
- Reading books are changed on Monday so please make sure that your child has their reading diary and reading book in their book bag (although we do request that they have them available to us every day so we can comment in them as we read with the children).
- Year 1 children will be swimming each Thursday in 6 week blocks. A letter will be sent out to say when your child's class is swimming.
- Indoor P.E. is every Friday so please make sure children have their P.E. kits and remove any earrings or other jewellery.
We will be very busy this year and will learn lots of new things. Some books we will cover include:
Sam's Sandwich, Pied Piper and The Gruffalo
Wild Things, Pirates and Winter Stories
Traditional tales
The Tiger who came to tea and Dr Seuss
Bear Hunt and Jack and the Beanstalk
Animal fact files and Monkey
Place Value
Examples Of Addition In Year 1
Examples Of Subtraction In Year 1
Our Wonderful Writing
30th March 2020
Hello Brilliant Bees and Lovely Ladybirds!
We hope that you and your family are keeping well and that you are finding lots of things to keep you busy whilst staying at home.
When we see you again we would love to share all the amazing work you have done, so remember to keep it safe or take a photograph. We would like you to take on some of these challenges and tasks over the next couple of weeks:
- Can you count up to 100? An easy we know? But can you count backwards from any number? E.g. start at 34 and count backwards to 1, start from 54 and count forwards up to 100. Practise a little every day, maybe a quick 5 min challenge with your grown up.
- Learn all your number bonds to 20 (additions and subtractions) e.g. 18+2=20, 17-3=14, 9+1=10, etc. Create a poster for additions and a different one for subtractions. You can use it to help you practise every day.
- What 2D and 3D shapes can you find around your house? Can you make a list? Can you draw what shapes you find? Can you group the shapes you find together? E.g. all square objects together. 2D shapes we should know are triangle, square, rectangle, circle and if you want a challenge pentagon, hexagon. 3D shapes we should know are cube, cuboid, pyramid, sphere.
- Keep a diary for one week and make sure you write in it every day. Don’t forget capital letters and full stops, finger space, tricky words spelt correctly (especially the days of the week), use time connectives e.g. first, then, next, after that. We will look forward to reading them went we are back at school 😊
- Let’s get creative and your imagination flowing! Dr Seuss created some very unusual characters his stories and especially in the story ‘There’s a wocket in my pocket’ (you can watch this on youtube). Create your own Dr Seuss inspired book, don’t forget you are the author and illustrator and you will need a front cover and a blurb! E.g. there’s a zurtain behind my curtain, did you know that there is a glug under this rug, oh no there’s a belf lying along the shelf.
- Please read everyday!
- Have a look at the phonics worksheets on the website if you have already
- Get on busy things and play some Phase 5 phonics games, if you can
Other things to keep you busy
- What plants or flowers can you see in your house, out your window or in your garden? Can you sketch/draw what you see? Can you label the leaf, stem, flower, roots?
- Are you keeping active? If you can, keeping doing the supermovers, go noodle, Jumpstart Johnny or Joe Wicks workout everyday.
- Why not enter Mrs Willcox’s Recycled waste ‘ocean animal’ competition? Create an ocean animal out of your recycling.
Stay safe.
Miss McIntosh and Miss Washington
NB: We have also added this to the 'Work for Home' section.
Fire Safety
Today we had a very special visitor from the Leicestershire Fire Service. A firefighter came in and talked to us about dangerous things in our house, fires and what to do if there was a fire. We learnt to:
RING 999.
We even all got to have a go at doing this. We learnt lots about being safe around fire! Some pictures are below!
Wassily Kandinsk
In our recent topic, we have been looking at the artwork of Wassily Kandinsky. He was famous for painting quite abstract art. We decided to study one of his most famous paintings quite carefully. We learnt how to mix colours to create our own artwork. I'm sure you'll agree they look fantastic!
Busy things!
This year we have all been given log ins for Busy Things. Recently the children have been loving playing different maths and phonics games on there including 'Buried Treasure' and 'Splash Dash'. We have noticed a real difference in their learning so keep it up Year 1!
If you haven't got a log in, please see Miss Washington or Miss McIntosh for a new one!
The Place I Call Home
The Bees and the Ladybirds have started their new topic for this half term called 'The Place I Call Home'. We are thinking about ourselves, our school and our local area. We will be doing lots of fun activities including making maps, cooking and painting.
Last week we went on a tour of our school. We explored buildings we knew (such as Foundation) and found some new areas like Treetops and the Brookside Garden. We also took a walk up to our field and saw our neighbours, Manor High School. We had a great time exploring our school. Take a look at some photos!
Settling In!
All of the Year 1 children have settled in well. We are making great use of our outdoor area and the Bees have started swimming. We have been enjoying our new 'Active Bodies' time in the afternoon, where we work hard learning new skills like throwing and catching, balancing and staying fit! Why not ask your child what they did in Active Bodies?
The Bees have just finished their 6 weeks of swimming. We had a great time learning how to push off, glide and float.
The Ladybirds will be swimming for the next 6 Thursdays. Please remember your kit as we have no spare so you won't be able to join all the fun!